Bridge Workshop
13-14, 2000
Room/Busch Student Center
Rutgers University, New Jersey
Harry A. Capers Jr., P.E Structural
Engineering (State Bridge Engineering) Harry A. Capers Jr., P.E is a member of the New Jerseys Senior Executive Service and a 24year veteran of the department, Harry is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Certified Public Manager. He holds a Bachelors of Science and Masters of Science degree in Civil Engineering from PolytechnicUniversity, Brooklyn, NY and a Masters of Public Administration from Rutgers University, Newark, NJ. He represents New Jersey on the AASHTO sub-committee for Bridges and Structures and currently is serving on that bodys Technical Committees for Load and Load Distribution as Vice Chairman, and as a member of the Technical Committee for Moveable Bridges and Seismic Design. He is currently also participating on several ongoing National Cooperative Highway Research Project panels. He was recognized as the 1996 Government Engineer of the Year by the NJ Central Chapter of ASCE and has been awarded two Certificates of Professional Achievement by the NJDOT.
Professor Prof. Hani H. Nassif, P.E. is an Assistant Professor at Rutgers University. Prior to joining Rutgers, he has taught at Villanova University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and worked on the University of Michigan team for the Calibration of the new AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specifications as well as the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code (OHBDC). He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and his Masters and Bachelors Degrees from The University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan. He has several years of practical experience in the design and construction of bridges and sewage treatment plants. He is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Design of Concrete Bridges of ACI 343 (bridges), Chairman of ACI Committee 348 (Structural Safety), Member of TRB Committee A2C05 (dynamics and field testing of bridges) as well as TRB A2C52 (Task force on seismic design of bridges). He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Missouri.
Professor Prof. Husam Najm, P.E. is a faculty member in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Rutgers University. Prior to joining Rutgers, he was a senior structural engineer with T.Y. Lin International in Boston, Massachusetts. At T.Y. Lin, Dr. Najm had several years of practical experience in prestressed concrete and steel bridge design, in particular, the Central Artery/Tunnel Project in Boston. He was involved in all phases of bridge design, detailing, and construction. He served also as a technical advisor on structural engineering issues and computer modeling of bridge structures. Other projects Dr. Najm was involved with include the Terminal Area Roadways in Boston, the Victory in New Jersey, the Woodrow Wilson Bridge in Washington, D.C., and the Route 170 bridges in South Carolina. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Massachusetts and the State of California.
Prof. Dennis Mertz, P.E Associate
Profesor Prof. Dennis Mertz, P.E teaches bridge engineering at the University of Delaware. He is the founding Editor of the ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. Prior to joining the faculty of the University of Delaware, Professor Mertz was an Associate of the bridge design firm of Modjeski and Masters, Inc. He was the Co-Principal Investigator of the research project that developed the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. All of Professor Mertzs formal engineering education is from Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He is a registered professional engineer in the State of Pennsylvania. |
send comments, questions, and suggestions regarding this workshop to:
Dr. Hani H. Nassif