Movable Bridge Seminar
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Busch Campus Center, Busch Campus
Rutgers University, New Jersey
1. Bridge Type Studies For The New Wittpenn Vertical Lift Bridge 8:45 – 9:10
Bruce K. Riegel, NJDOT
Lynne M. Baumann, Marcos P. Loizias, and Dayi Wang, Jacobs Civil Inc
2. Good and Poor Engineering Practices in Bascule Design 9:10– 9:35
Thomas Cherukara, FDOT
3. Beaver Dam Road and Mantoloking Road Bridges 9:35– 10:00
Arthur Linfante, Jr., HNTB Corporation
4. Lift-Slide Drawbridge 10:30–10:50
Rex J. King, Jr., King & Associates LLC
5. Replacement of the Third Avenue Swing Bridge over the Harlem River 10:50–11:10
Sean A. Bluni and Paul J. Connolly, Hardesty & Hanover, LLP
6. Inspection, Assessment and Repair of Movable Bridges for Local Authorities Using a System Approach 11:10–11:30
Steven A. Shaup, Lichtenstein Consulting Engineers
7. Rehabilitation of the Historic Bridge of Lions 11:30– 11:50
Alan Klevens, Lichtenstein Consulting Engineers, Inc
8. Foundation Strengthening of Bascule Piers at the Bridge of Lions 1:30– 1:50
Jian Huang and G. Alan Klevens, Lichtenstein Consulting Engineers
9. Rehabilitation of the Great Channel Bridge 1:50 – 2:10
Rama Krishnagiri, Joseph Mumber, Samih Fawzy, Parsons Brinckerhoff
Dale Foster, Cape May County
10. Movable Bridge Maintenance Strategies 2:10 – 2:30
Peter J. Davis, Bergmann Associates
11. Replacement of the Route 7 Bridge over the Passaic River 2:30 – 2:50
Harry A. Capers Jr, NJDOT
Glen E. Schetelich, Andrew C. Coates, Cortney D. Hann, Hardesty & Hanover, LLP
Adjourn 4:00
Please send comments, questions, and suggestions regarding this workshop to: Dr. Hani H. Nassif