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Concrete Service Life Extension Conference

Date: 5/23/16 ~ 5/25/16

Dr. Hani Nassif and graduate student Hasan Al-Nawadi attended the Concrete Service Life Extension Conference in Orlando, Florida from May 23rd to May 25th. They presented the following paper:

- “Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Corrosion Potential in Concrete Bridge Decks”

The focus of this conference is to allow for presentations and discussions on the following topics (from their website):

- Concrete Condition and Mechanisms of Deterioration
- Diagnostics of Concrete Failures
- Service Life and Durability
- Concrete Repair and Corrosion Mitigation

This event was organized by NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) International, an organization that offers various resources to companies and institutions as a worldwide authority on corrosion control solutions. Here is more to read about NACE, about the Concrete Service Life Extension Conference, and the conference’s programming schedule.